To further protect your accounts from fraud and unauthorized access, we have recently implemented a new cybersecurity feature on our online and mobile banking platforms. This additional layer of protection, powered by advanced technology, is designed to ensure that the person logging in is a genuine user and not a bot attempting to gain access through automated or scripted attacks.

If you log in to online banking via a desktop computer or mobile app (without using facial recognition), you may have noticed a new verification step during the login process.

In the majority of cases, this verification will be completed behind the scenes, requiring no additional action from you. In some cases, you may be asked to check a box to confirm that you are a real person logging in on a valid device. However, in a very small number of instances, you might encounter a verification error. This means the system was unable to verify your login attempt.


If you receive an error, here are some common tips for how you may address the situation:

●     Restart your browser or close and re-open the mobile app.

●     Clear your cache and cookies.

●     Update your browser to the latest version.

●     Disable browser extension(s).

●     Try logging in on a different browser.

●     If you are using Internet Explorer, move to a supported browser.
(Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, or Mozilla Firefox).

●     Ensure you are not behind a VPN or proxy. Especially, public or shared VPNs or proxies such as ExpressVPN, NordVPN, etc.

●     If on a desktop computer, try logging in on our mobile app (and set up facial recognition).

●     Uninstall and Reinstall the mobile app on your phone.

●     Try logging in from a different computer or device.

●     Scan your computer for viruses and malware that may be impacting your device's security profile.


For additional reference, here are some links that we hope might be helpful:

How to clear cache/cookies on your browser:

        Google Chrome

        Microsoft Edge

        Safari (Mobile)

        Safari (Mac)


How to get the latest version of your browser:

        Google Chrome

        Microsoft Edge



 How to disable browser extensions:

        Google Chrome

        Microsoft Edge



How to completely close apps on mobile:

        Apple (iPhone)

        Android (Samsung, Google, Motorola, etc)


We understand these additional steps may occasionally cause an inconvenience, but they are critical for ensuring the safety of your accounts. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to prioritize your security. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Member Services at 215-996-3700